SimDec publications
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Havia, J., Ahola, A., Kozlova, M., Baumgartner, J., & Björk, T., 2025.
Fatigue strength assessment of arc-welded aluminum joints by local approaches.
International Journal of Fatigue 
Pesonen, T., Kozlova, M., Ahola, A., Björk, T., & Moshtaghi, M., 2025.
Simulation-based fatigue assessment using the 4R method in different load conditions.
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 
Saari, J., Kozlova, M., Suikkanen, H., Sermyagina, E., Hyvärinen, J., & Yeomans, J. S., 2024.
Global sensitivity analysis of nuclear district heating reactor primary heat exchanger and pressure vessel optimization.